
Showing posts from November, 2018

17 Russian fighters buzz Royal Navy warship

                                17 Russian fighters buzz  Royal Navy warship    Ok looks like the bankers want war soon . The world economy is not good . Even thou the MSM says  we are in good shape . The stock market is rigged . A world economic  crash like 2008 would make the people angry  with the world central bankers . So they want to start a war to cover the collapse . They don't care who they go to war with . Here is what you need to know . Russia has captured three Ukrainian warships in the last 24 hours . Three Ukrainian warships have been Sabre rattling  with Russian warships in the Black Sea  near the Crimea . 17 Russian fighters  Mig-29s and SU-24s have buzzed the Royal Navy  HMCS Duncan . This is the  most a NATO warship has been buzzed in history. The narrative is to go to war. Tensions in the area are high . I will keep an eye on ...

Just a heads up two hots spots in the world.2018-11-25

Just a heads  up two hots spots in the world. One : US boarder , 6200 migrants mostly fighting age men plan to rush the boarder . Lethal force authorised .(Operation hot musket ?) Two : Ukraine will have a Marshall law vote tomorrow . Shooting between  Russian and Ukraine insurgents  leave few dead. Reports of three Ukraine warships challenge  Russian Navy near Crimea..Three Ukrainian warships also captured buy Pro Russian insurgents.