Lane spliting ! Good idea or bad ?


 Ok hot topic . I'm in Canada  and we do not have this here . Is it a good idea or not ? Well to be honest I'm not sure ? The argument  for it is  that you  are less likely  to get rear ended  in traffic . There are  a lot of arguments  against as well .  One being  your between  cars and have no margin for error . So how can we make  an educated decision ? Simple  ! We will have to look at the statistics . I do not have any at the moment . I cant seem to find them . What we could look for is  if riders  have more incidents of rear ending  vs  lane spitting  incidents .  We can compare the  two  and see where the higher risk is . Even if its legal in your area  you will know if its worth the risk or not . I do not think we will be seeing this in Canada any time  soon . And even if it was legal I  would still want to see the stats to estimate  risk . I  would like to here your take on this . Ride well ride safe take care . 


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