How my motorcycle addiction started ?

 How my motorcycle addiction started ? We need to go back to 1978 . I was five years old . Although I'm 44 now  I remember this day like it was yesterday .I was in the school yard  playing  like kids do .It was sunny and warm. Just a beautifully  day all around . Then I heard it ? Thunder  ! Loud  and rumbling  . The other kids started to run away yelling "Thunder ! thunder ! " I didn't run I just stood there looking in the direction  of the thunder . The shiny chrome long forks I saw first . There were three bikes  . Two choppers and one trike .

 I waved as they rode by . They waved back . I just stood in awe . It was the first time I seen  Harley's and  choppers as well as trikes .

After school I ran home as fast as I could. Told my mom and dad about the  choppers in a hyper babbling  excitement . They just said to me  " Well that's  nice , go wash for supper "

As soon as I finished my supper . I played with my Evil Knievel  toy . From there the addiction started . I grew up  around three wheelers  and dirt bikes . And in 1993 I would go to Daytona bike  week . The fallowing year I would buy my first bike (KZ440) . After that I would buy my first chopper  a 1948 panhead . It reminded  me of one of the bikes form that day in 78. And now I ride again on a newer bike . Ride well ride safe take care .


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