It takes 10000km to know your bike ?

  It takes 10000km to know your bike ? Yes it takes time to really know your bike. The first 1000km (600 miles ) you learn  your low speed handling braking shifting  ext. How your bike handles different road condition  , hot  cold weather  rain  grit and more . Even finding what  type of fuel it likes . Does it burn oil or not ? Does it run hot in traffic ? Learning to trust the bike on long trips . Getting use to the controls .Is it comfortable to ride ? After a while you will find  you just have a natural trust for the bike . By the time you put 10000km on your bike there will be vary little unknown , although you might get a surprise from time to time (unexpected things ) . Now will it  take you 10000km to really know your bike ? Maybe not  but you will be fully acquainted  with your motorcycle by that time. The fun part is the journey . Ride well ride safe take care .


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