The reality and truth of becoming a blogger or vlogger.

  The idea of becoming  self employed is  great. But lets face it there are no free lunches in life. You will often see articles of making  hundreds , thousands , or millions of  dollars . The  get rich quick scheme . Well blogging is  not  like that . For every successful blogger there are millions who are not . As for me I've been a youtuber for ten years . Ive  been living off it for the last four years . Its  been my only  income . 

 The up side is easy to see. So what are the  down sides ? Simply put there is no guarantee  that you will make a stable income . Its a lot like farming . You will put in  hours but you will only get paid what  you get . For example  I put at least  six to nine hours a day on average  and rarely  take a day off. One month I might  make $2700 the next $900 then $1400  . Sounds great right ? I didn't start that   way . It was much lower . Other problems  are rules change on a sight and then you could  lose your income altogether . As of now under new rules that keep changing I only make around $300 a month. Not so  good . 

You have to plan ahead so when you get  knocked down  you have a buffer zone . Some people  do  well then spend every cent they make . This is a bad idea because  you might  be out  of money before  it picks up again . Some  people cannot  live with such  unstable  income . So  blogging is not for everyone . 

If your just starting out you will find you don't really make anything  at first . Don't worry just keep  doing it  you will get something . Its best not to quit your day job  till its fairly stable . Keep in mind you can loose your income for many reasons . Web sights  go down , people get censored block or banned for whatever reason . Fair or  not . 

What ever your niche you will need thick skin to be a blogger . So why do it ? Simple ! The pros out weigh the  cons . The idea of being your  own  boss is  great . Creating  things always seem to keep it new . There is no other job like it . And its fun.

So if your a part time or full time vlogger or blogger  you will enjoy it . Sharing  your  stories or videos with others  connects you . Working from home is not bad either . I could go on but ill leave it here . Hope this keeps it real for you . You will have to try it to  fully understand . Take care and good luck , happy blogging  or vlogging 


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