Just a heads up , I know we are close to X-mass and hope all are  looking forward to spending  time with family and friends  , I  am .But do you guys remember  a few weeks ago when I said that you would see some real crazy stuff happening in the world ? You know the what the hell is going on kind of stuff ? Well we see the YELLOW VEST  PROTEST  going on now . For once it  looks legit . At least for now. AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM!  This does not look like your usual  George
Soros Rothschild movements . SO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Well not good .

I Do not have a time line for you yet but it looks like BLOOD BY FEBRUARY!

2019 will be a bloody  year of revolt . Nationalist VS Globalist. So what do we look for?

1.Immigration protest
2.Tax protest
3. Anti - progressive PC protest
4.poverty protest
5.Economic instability and market crashes
7.Anti- EU and UN protest
8.Protest for sovereignty

Just to name a few . It will be a violent year. Ill update in the  new year.

Be safe don't keep any more money in the bank then your willing to lose. Take care.


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