WORLD UP DATE . A not so good vary bad economy

WORLD UP DATE . A not so good vary bad economy. Hey everyone its been a while since I did an up date. Here is what to watch for. If you remember about a month or more ago I said the economy will start to get bad? Well it looks like it is . The job numbers are still fake in most countries . The world central bankers are in a panic. The main stream media is bipolar , one minuet the economy is great the next we are going into a recession. Most jobs being created are government  which means we are buying jobs too look good . But in the long YOU CANNOT SPEND YOUR WAY OUT OF DEPT! .What to watch for?

1.Mass job losses from major fortune 500 companies
2. Austerity riots like in France. But global.
3. Dropping interest rates or negative interest rates.
4. New tax hikes
5.loss of government services.
6.Crack down on alternative news aka (FAKE NEWS!) Also known as competition
7.MSM propping up the markets even more.
8.MSM telling everyone the economy is great when its not
9.Big market sell offs ext
10 .Sudden price hikes
11.BANK RUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a big one.

So what can we do . Well I'm not a finatual adviser but don't keep any more money in the bank then your willing to lose.Stock up on supplies in case. What you see in Venezuela will happen here .

Stay safe take care.


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