(WORLD ALERT)
 This is general Qassem Soleimani . He was the second most power full man in Iran.The US killed him.

They claim they killed him because he was responsible for killing over 500 US solders indirectly  threw proxy groups. Whether  that is true or not he was Iran's top general.

He was openly fighting the US Israel backed  rebel groups ie ISIS , Alqida  Al nusra front ext .

Iran has not attack another country  in nearly 200 years , I think that's about to change.

So why did they take him out ? Here are some reasons:
1. world economy is not good . Job numbers are fake . 

2 . The greater Israel project

3. A war would hide an economic global crash.

4.Millitary industrial complex is the only thing keeping the US economy going.

5.World elites want global depopulation.

6.Brings up stock market an oil prices.

7.Force Iran  to hit back.

There is a lot more reasons . We will just start with this. The Iranians are not stupid they will hit back ,but how ? We will see . We just killed there top Gen , THAT'S AN ACT OF WAR!

The world elites need to go to jail for crimes against humanity .This is another fake war  don't believe the war hawks.

Stay safe.


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