Central bankers just bought the world ?
( WORLD ALERT) Well I know most of you are enjoying panicing and freaking out over the virus. However we are going to have to move on to newer scarier stuff. lol . I Said there would be 5 more black swan events this year . Maybe more we will see. 2020 Has been historical on levels never seen . We are not done yet . NEW AMARICA HAS JUST BEEN CREATED. So what does this mean? It means we have just witnessed the largest transfer of wealth since the 2008 collapse . Even bigger then the take over of the SOVIET UNION. The world central bankers have just bought the world . We will now see the full world wide economic take over though nationalizing every single bisness factory industry resource ext ..
So how can this happen? First you wait till the most convienent virus shows up . Then use the media to scare the crap out of everyone . Then let the economy collapse . Then bail out all bisness industry factorys ext to the tune of 4.5 Trillion dollars .Make sure no one can pay it back . Then take the assets. Same play as the soviet union . The last phase will be to implement full one world governorment by using UN Agenda 21 and UN agenda 2030.
The economic collapse will kill billions . Mostly in the third world . We have just lost 59 million jobs in the last week . This is just round one . As we see people lose there jobs bisnesses ext there will be food shortages . We sill have time to prepare but not years maybe months .More to come later.
1. Cashless society
2.New one world currency
3.Media censorship
4.Martial law
5.Food riots
6.More anti gov riots
7.More bigger and expand wars
8.Manitory vacines
9.More bank bail outs
10.Central global control of boarders
11.Civil unrest globaly
12.Banker deaths
13. World leader deaths
14. Crack down on free speak
15. Arrest of political dissidents
16.Gun bans
17.Control of food supply , rations ext
18.Basic universal income and income limits
There is a lot more to come , some things are already in play . But ill give you little at a time .In short we will be under the 10 pillars of communism .It will take a few month to a few years to complete .
Be safe and keep prepping the next few months are going to be vary rough . You must keep your head on the level during this time . Be safe take care.
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