Covid-19 is now a global pandemic.What to do?


(WORLD ALERT) Two days ago I was considered over reacting . Today we are in a global pandemic .We are in a not so good beginning  of something really bad. I know this is a scary topic  and I apologies   for upsetting any one . My only duty is to report good or bad , I am  just the messenger.

 Italy is in full lock down martial law . Germany is estimating 70% infection rate. The world economy is crashing. India Israel Saudi Arabia Japan and many US states have shut down schools . All 5 G countries are infected . Canadians form the cruise ship are in Trenton Ont with one infected after a two week quarentien  . Parts of New York are on lock down. People are panic buying .I could go on.

Here is what you need to do .BE PREPARED NOT SCARED! You need to have at least two month of  food in case of lock down. You need to stock up on medicine , 1 in 5 US citezens are on meds . I am  sure its the same here. Get your prescriptions filled early if you can. If you can do your job from home start setting that up now don't what till its to late. You need to buy seeds if you can grow a garden . I believe there will be food shortages later this year . Or at least supply disruption.

 WASH YOUR HANDS PROPERLY ! Also don't touch railing  and other  surfaces  when your out and about . If it gets real bad stay at least 10 feet away form other people. Avoid  big crowds for now .Don't be a hermit thou lol. You need to make a list of supplies you have in your home and what you do not have , and what you will  need .There is more but that all for now. But most important remain positive and DONT PANIC! Be safe.

1.Economic crash .
Its more dangerous then the virus.
2. Full lock down in places

3.Roll out of UN Agenda 2030 3.38

4,Bankers are being bailed out now

5.Bank runs
Have cash on hand

6.Bank holiday
You will not be able to get your money out

7.Bank bail in
This is legal in all western countries. They can take all your money to save the bank .

8. Banks will blame the economic crash on virus , even thou it was crashing before the break out.

Global food shortages in the next few months . People in the third world will starve to death . Forgien aid will be cut  if it gets bad here.

9. Infected will multiply by around 4 time each three weeks

10.We cant stop it so we will have to ride it out

11.Panic riots

12. Media black outs on info

13.World elites heading to there bunkers.

14.power outages in rural areas next two months.

15.Water shortages in the cities

16. Scondary deaths not virus but because lack of available doctors .

17. Martial law curfew in infected areas

18. Mass job losses. in the next  three months

There is lots of stuff coming at us and many will panic . Scared people are dangerous . You have  about  30 days before people really start freaking out . Use that time wisely to prepare.This will be  long term problem . We will see 5 more black swans this year then next one will be scarier . So BE PREPARED NOT SCARED! Makes sure you  stay health . The more you know the less you will need . So make sure to resurch . All so don't forget to prep for your pets . My cat and dogs recommend lots of treats lol. And tell those who are important to you , you love them and they will be ok . We will just have to  ride this out . Prepare for the worst hop for the best .Sorry for the bad spelling , the spell checker is not working lol .Take care be safe.

The first seal has been broken.


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