Ok I know many of you are stressed about the news , and are bummed out .I don't post this stuff to scare people .That is not my intention. I am truly sorry if it upsets you. But most of you only look at a few news sources at best .The big picture is much greater . I do not know how long this will last .I do know how to spot patterns . Like a puzzle it reveals it self too me one piece at a time.My only duty is to report good or bad.Im just the messenger.

 The next 60 days are going to be scary . I will paint the picture . There was about 42000 urns on display in China . There was also 21 million cellphones cancelled in China as well . Make out of that what you like. China can not be  trusted to tell us the truth , It now seems they are about to be hit with a second wave. I guess we will see . I believe it will be much worse .

In the next 60 days you will see many  strange scary and weird things. Will we see three comets hit us and a war with Iran ? Or perhaps and alien invasion or the death star in the sky ? I don't know but nothing is off the table at this point .lol. How ever you will see  24000 Canadian  troops across Canada for disaster relief as well as tens of  thousands of US troops across the US . You are seeing martial law light . It will get heavier as we go . You will see more prisoners let out of prison globaly. The world economy will get much worse . There will be welfare and food riots world wide . Food and fuel will start to rise  due to shortages . Food shortages  and  medicine is being disrupted .Millions will be out of work in the  next few weeks . THIS WILL HURT AND KILL MANY ! Bank runs are happening now , but not at a panic point yet . That will happen in about three to six weeks at this rate unless something magic happens .This will take many years to recover from. Gov services are being disrupted  and are closing down. There is much more but in short WELCOME TO THE COLLAPES!

NOW HERES THE BAD NEWS! lol As I watch, I see things that didn't make sense at all .Then I heard a  vary good explanation . Have seen people who are sick coughing and spitting on other people and  food in stores ? Why would  they do this? Spys? Terrorist ? Mentaly ill? Or virus ? Or all mention?Well here is where it gets dark . Its attacking not only our lungs but out brains as well.Neuro tropic brain virus ? Im not a doctor but you get the idea. SO IN SHORT it seems to  effect behavior .The virus wants to live . Or was the virus a made to attack out brains and posse as flu ? Only those at the P4 labs would know .There is much more but ill leave it at that . We will wait and watch  and see .

1.More loss of rights and freedom
2.Welfare roits
3.Hard martial law in areas
4.Medical break downs due to sick doctors and supply  shortage
5.Crime spike in areas
6.Liberty  riots
7.Mass suicides
8.Meds drug shortage
9.War with Iran
10. Food supply shortage and milltary  control and rations
11.Inflation stageflation  hyperinflation  global reset  bank bail ins mass dept
12.Civil unrest

Here is what to watch for ?

In about the next two weeks many will not get payed.

in four weeks  almost nobody will get payed

in six weeks millions will be out of money . let that sink in?

It is going to look like   hunger  games the road and Mad Max . The world elites will take full control with UN agenda 21 and 2030 . They will use the TTP and bank bail ins .

The earlest  vaccine could be 2021-2023.


This will be around for a few years at best .It will come and go .Now we are in the beginning  of the words greates depression In  history .Please let that sink in . IT WILL KILL MILLIONS!


What I have notice so far. And I believe it might have three phases . I hope I am wrong .

Phase one :
0-6 months  . People get sick 2-16% die  as we are seeing . It will go as fast as it came in .There will be  a leveling or it will disappear all together.a while then come back .

Phase two:
6 Months to 12 years .  The second round seems much worse . If you get it twice the death rate goes up  to 30-50% Or so it seems from what happened  in China and Italy an Spain ext . We will not be able too handle it at all at this point .

Phase three:
Starting in about 12 months from now till unknown . This is the worst  case we could imagine .50-70% deaths  100% infection rate global .In this case many survivors will have a 28 days rage like  virus . But not as bad .Like people on bath salts . This will be vary apocalyptic .

Lests pray  im wrong .

People will start to turn on each other soon . You can still prepare  but the window is getting short . You need to have at leas two months food min at this point . Be prepared not scared , but time is running out for you to safely get supplies . People will start to robbing people at food stores vary soon .So be safe and alert when out and about.

1.Stock up
2.Learn to grow a gurarden
3.Self defence prep
4.Make a plan for worst case
5. Help others  your near
6.Get to know who your locals
7.Make a plan for your community for isolation
8.Stay calm focus and keep learning long term servival

Sorry spell check was not working .That's all for now  be safe .

The first seal has  been broken .


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