C-19 And race riots . The next 60-90 days

(WORLD ALERT) The 60-90 day period  has now started . The certain  is now open . We are in the beginning of what I call the scary period . Not all you see going on is about what it  looks like . Yes it is going to get even scarier , up to and including a  nuclear power plant melt down. When we hit the 90-120 day period we might see up to and including a limited  nuclear exchange .  Most likely US and China .

The civil race war starting now will not last  long . But as we  get closer to the election  it will get much more violent . Please keep prepping and stocking up on food . The people roiting are  burning  down there  FOOD STORES ! so they will suffer more in those areas.

Yes martial law is here . And it will  go world wide . Just like I said it would 60 days ago . I have not been wrong on most things . Don't just fallow the MSM . They are not on our side. They are making people crazy .

We have hard times ahead . I suggest  you look at 90% good news and only 10% if you wish to stay sane .

Ill look at the bad stuff for ya .lol. I will never lie to anyone . But know that the truth is painful scary and evil  sometimes.

Qestions: Where are the bricks Antifa throwing coming from?

Who is paying for the out of town rioters

Why does the news only tell one side of the story

What happens whey over 40 million are out of  work

Why happens when we print too much money

why are the endless riots around the world

Why have we not put a single banker in jail for the 2008 crisis

why is the news not taking about the biggest transfer of wealth  to the bankers in human history

why does the stock market keep  going up when millions of people  are losing there jobs every week

Follow the money youll figure it out .

Ill be doing a video on this in  a few days .So do not get caught  up in all the rage you see going on .

Stay safe that's all for now . Take care.

The first seal has been broken


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